About Us


Gau Sewa Sadan established in 1952 by Swami Shree Ramsharan Ji Maharaj as a resource centre for breeding, training and service to cows.Seeing the quality of work Nehruji and Shastriji donated Rs. 50,000 each from the Prime Minister’s fund. Our 'Ancient Texts' speak volumes on the great benefits of cow service, cow donation.Rathi is an old Indian breed originating in the Thar desert of North West Rajasthan.The gaushala has 35 milch Rathi cows and 80 old and destitute cows. These cows are an important part of the local ecology and economy.This is an extremely hardly and drought resistant breed and revered for its high yield and quality. The gaushala produces 225 litres milk everyday. it is spread over 40 acres and 300 acres for organic and producing fodder.Gaushala has a good fooder storage unit. A part of this is also distributed to other Gaushala's and near by droughty villages.

GVM gaushala future plans are as follows:

  • To become self-sufficient, model gaushala by completely producing its own fodder and cattle feed through organic farming.
  • Create a gene pool of high quality Rathi cows and bulls which can be used to preserve and improve the breed of the area.
  • Livelihood Training to local youths and children of the orphanage in cattle rearing, milk production and cattle health.
  • Provide support services like fodder bank, nutritious feed, medicines, health etc to cows in surrounding 100 villages to revive the practise of cow rearing.
  • Create a local online exchange platform for cows, its produce, fodder, cattle feed etc through a mobile app.
  • Database of local milk producers and their cattle to integrate them to market and get better benefit from Government schemes.
  • Upgrade the existing medical facilities and extend the service to surrounding areas.
  • Putting up a gobar gas plant.
  • To produce medicinal and value added products of cow milk, cow urine.
  • To develop mechanical instrument for producing electricity to gainfully employ male cows.